Ján Markoš

Ján Markos (born 2 July 1985 in Banská Bystrica ) is a Slovak chess master.

Markos has learned from his sister playing chess at age six. In 2001 he became an International Master and was Slovakian national champion. Since 2007 he is the Grand Master. 2000, 2002, 2006 and 2008 he played for Slovakia in chess olympiads and scored a total of 16.5 points from 30 games. Markos played in the German Bundesliga first chess for TSV Bindlach shareholder, in 2008, he joined the club chess enthusiasts Berlin. In the Austrian Bundesliga first he played for ASVÖ Pamhagen and ASVÖ SK paint creek.

In 2008 he published the book Beat the KID from the publisher Quality Chess (ISBN 978-1-906552-15-2 ), in which he treated variants against the King's Indian defense. January Markos wrote chess articles. Analyzes of Markos can be found on the website ChessFriends.com. There he also has a workout chess column.


Markos studied in Prague philosophy and Protestant theology.
