Jan Olszewski

January Olszewski ( born August 20, 1930 Warsaw, Poland) is a Polish politician.

In the People's Republic of Poland before 1990 was Jan Olszewski as an attorney for various opposition groups, including for the KOR ( Komitet Obrony Robotników, German: " Committee for the Defense of Workers " ) and from 1980 for Solidarity, works.

1989 Olszewski participants of the round -table discussions. From 1990 to 1992 he was vice-chairman of the Solidarity and 1991-1992 Prime Minister of Poland.

After other unsuccessful attempts, he founded in 1995 its own national conservative party, the Ruch Odbudowy Polski, ROP ( German: " Movement for the Reconstruction of Poland" ), whose chairman he was. In the same year, as in 2000 he was a candidate for the office of President, but failed in two elections in the first round of voting.

1997-2001 Olszewski was a deputy in the Sejm since 2001 for the LPR ( League Polskich Rodzin, German: " League of Polish Families " ) for the ROP, which he left in 2002. Since 2006 he has been a consultant of the late 10 April 2010 President Lech Kaczyński.
