Jan van Wavere

Jan van Wavere († 1521/1522 in Mechelen ) was an brabantischer barrel painter of Late Gothic altarpiece. His work has been handed to Mechelen and Brussels altarpieces in Belgium, Sweden and Austria.

Life and works

His life data are unknown to the approximate date of death, as well as the place of origin or the place of his education. One could designed as toponym surname but possibly attributed to the city Wavre south of Brussels. Jan van Mechelen Wavere was in the 16th century one of the few artists who signed their works. Three carved reredos are signed with his name.

  • Altarpiece in the German monastery church (Vienna)
  • Reliquary of St. Dymphna Dymphna on the altarpiece ( Brussels 1490-1500 ) in St. Dymphna, Gheel, Belgium
  • Altarpiece in Jäder, Sweden

His name is mentioned also in the account books of the Pand -called art market at the Cathedral of Our Lady in Antwerp.
