Janez Vrhovec

Janez Vrhovec ( born January 19, 1921 in Belgrade; † 7 October 1997 ) was a Serbian actor.


Vrhovez graduated from junior high school and was a member of two orchestras; after the proclamation of the People's Republic of Yugoslavia, he initially belonged to the Ivo Lola Robar at the Institute before he made his acting debut in the short film govori Moskva. From then on he played in Serbian, Yugoslav and international films over 150 roles to his last involvement in the television series Gore dole from the season 1996/ 1997.

In 1960 he was also active as an assistant director; it remained a one-off trip to the other side of the camera.

In 1988 he received the award for his life's work Slavica; In 1965 he had won the "Silver Arena " for his role in Covek nije tica Film Festival Pula.

Filmography (selection)
