Janina Fetlińska

Janina Fetlińska ( born June 14, 1952 in Tuligłowy in the Subcarpathian Voivodeship; † 10 April 2010 Smolensk, Russia) was a Polish politician, doctor of medical science and Senator.


1977 ended Fetlińska studying in the Department of nurses at the Medical University of Lublin in Lublin. Then she specialized in social medicine, then she was in the organization for health and 1986 Doctor of Medical Science in Nursing.

From 1977 to 1991 Fetlińska was director of the training center for medical staff in the Masovian Hospital Association in Ciechanów. Subsequently, she was Director from 1998 in Woiwodschaftszentrum for organization and economics in health, also in Ciechanów. For four years she headed the department of Mazovia Centre for Public Health in Ciechaów. In the years 1996 to 2004, Deputy Director in the Directorate Fetlińska of the Institute of Health Education and Health Assistance in Ciechanów at the Humanist Academy Aleksander Gieysztor in Pultusk, now called Akademia Humanistyczna. Until 2005, she also worked as a high school teacher at the State Higher Vocational School in Ciechanów.

In the years 1998-2005 Fetlińska had a seat on the County Council from the powiat Ciechanowski. In the Polish parliamentary elections of 2005, she was elected senator, established by the Law and Justice party ( Prawo i Sprawiedliwość ) for the constituency of Płock. In the parliamentary elections of 2007, she was elected for the second time to the Senate deputies, where she received 103 365 votes.

On April 10, 2010 Fetlińska belonged to a Polish delegation headed by President Lech Kaczyński, who was to travel on the occasion of the seventieth anniversary of the Katyn massacre to the memorial to Russia. However, in a plane crash of the delegation near the military airfield Smolensk - North they came together with other high-ranking representatives of Poland died.

Posthumously Fetlińska was awarded on 16 April 2010 the Commander's Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta ( Krzyż Komandorski Orderu Odrodzenia Polski ).

