Japan Association of Athletics Federations

The Japanese Association of Athletics Federations (Japanese日本 陆上 竞技 连 盟, Nihon rikujō Kyogi renmei, short Nihon Rikuren; . Engl Japan Association of Athletics Federations, short JAAF ) is the National Athletics Association of Japan. It was founded in 1929 and is today as a foundation ( zaidan Hojin, approved 1971), headquartered in Shibuya, Tokyo Prefecture organized. President of Rikuren since 2013 Hiroshi Yokokawa.


  • Ryozo Hiranuma (1929-1958)
  • Hiromu Kasuga (1959-1964)
  • Ichirō Kono (1965 )
  • Kenzo Kono (1965-1975)
  • Hanji Aoki (1975-1999)
  • Yohei Kono (1999-2013)


The JAAF up alongside the national athletics championships - including elementary, middle and high schools - including the national prefectural Ekiden contests and various road races from.
