Japan Day in Düsseldorf

Japan Day Dusseldorf / NRW, formerly known as Japan Day (Japanese日本 デー, Nihon -day ) is a German-Japanese cultural fest, celebrated annually since 2002 in May or June at the Düsseldorf Rhine and often more than one million visitors.

Program points

The standard events every Japan - day includes the sale of Japanese food and drinks and an extensive stage and exercise program that is designed by Japanese musicians, such as the koto players, choirs, J- pop and J- rock artists, and martial artists. There are also stalls to specific issues such as Japanese kimono fitting and Sake Seminar, as well as other attractions, including for example samurai army camp. On Japantag to find cosplayers from all over Germany on the Rhine promenade one.

The final of the Japan - day is initiated late in the evening by a Bon dance, where all visitors are invited to participate and will be distributed for the Happis and Japanese subjects.

The conclusion of the festival is a Japanese fireworks in several sections with various themes.

Unofficial, but most colorful program point is the meeting of the cosplayer community at Japan Day.

History of Japan - day

Japan Day in Dusseldorf was first held in 2002 and has since been run with the Chiba Prefecture as a partner region once a year. Only in 2006 had to be canceled due to a hard storm warning.

2011 to be held on May 28, the Japan Day, but was postponed by the organizers due to the earthquake and the impact of the tsunami in March 2011 on 15 October.

With an estimated 600,000 visitors, the event is likely to have exceeded the previous years in 2013. Next increasingly certain cosplayers the picture, again en masse, partly in long human chains, offering their Free Hugs, the free hugs.
