Jean Duvergier de Hauranne

Jean de Duvergier Hauranne, also you Vergier, after his Abtstitel since 1620 Saint- Cyran (* 1581 in Bayonne, † October 11th 1643 in Paris ) was a French Catholic priest and theologian. He was instrumental in the spread of Jansenism in France.


Duvergier studied philosophy at the Sorbonne in Paris and theology at the Jesuit College in Louvain, where he completed his studies in 1604 with honors. In lions he met the four years younger Cornelius Jansen. With him, he immersed himself, first in Paris and 1611-13 in Bayonne, intense in the writings of the church fathers, especially Augustine, where they annäherten more and more of the Calvinistic predestination and the doctrine of grace, and thus in contrast to the Church's penitential practice, especially at the casuistic moral teaching of the Jesuits came. Duvergier held the church of his time deeply in need of reform and believed himself commissioned for this reform.

1617 he was asked by the Bishop of Poitiers in service, which gave him dignity and 1620 income of a Kommendatarabts of Saint- Cyran. Duvergier but held mainly in Paris, where he became friends with Pierre de Bérulle and Robert Arnauld d' Andilly. By Arnauld family, he got 1623 Contact the Cistercian monastery Port-Royal in 1635 and was the spiritual leader of the Abbess Angélique Arnauld and other sisters as well as the " hermit of Port Royal ."

Under the influence of spiritual and ascetic personality Duvergiers Port-Royal became the center of Jansenism, while simultaneously offing the papal condemnation of Jansenist doctrines ( 1643). Cardinal Richelieu, originally a friend Duvergiers, Jansenism now looked at as richest church and politically dangerous. He was arrested Duvergier on 15 May in 1638 and bring in the Donjon of Vincennes. Up to Richelieu's death, he was imprisoned there, but was able to maintain contact with fellow travelers and attend the completion of Cornelius Jansen's work on Augustine's doctrine of grace.

After the death of Richelieu Duvergier was released in February 1643 through the efforts of his followers, but died in the same year as the result of nearly five years in prison. He was buried in the church of Saint- Jacques- du-Haut -Pas in Paris.


  • Considérations sur la mort chrétienne
  • Considérations sur les dimanches et les proof of mysteres, et sur ​​les de la Vierge et resistant des saints, Paris 1670 ( attribution doubtful)
  • Examination d'une apologie qui a pour servir de esté faite à un petit livre defense intitulé chapelet Le secret du Très - Sainct Sacrement Et pour quelques réfuter remarques qui faites avoient été sur ledit chapelet, Paris 1634
  • Instructions chrestiennes, Paris 1672
  • La Somme of fautes et faussetez capitales, contenues en la Somme théologique du Pere Francois Garasse de la Compagnie de Jesus, Paris 1626
  • Lettres et chretiennes spiritual messire de Jean du Verger de Havranne, abbé de S. Cyran, qui n'ont point encore été jusqu'à présent imprimées, Amsterdam 1744
  • Oeuvre et chrétiennes spiritual, Lyon 1679
  • Smite Aurélius, a work on the ecclesiastical hierarchy, 1631
  • Pensées morales, Éd. Henri Perruchot, Paris, Clermont, F. Sorlot 1944
  • Refvtation de l' abus pretendu, & la descouuerte de la veritable ignorance & du pere vanité François Garasse, Paris 1626
  • Théologie familière, avec divers autres petits traitez de dévotion, Leuven 1650