Jean-Étienne Marie

Jean- Etienne Marie ( born November 22, 1917 in Pont- l'Évêque, † 1989) was a French composer.

Marie studied at the Conservatoire de Paris with Olivier Messiaen, Simone Plé - Caussade and Jean -Yves Daniel - Lesur. In 1949, he was a sound engineer at the RTF and 1958 Professor of sound and experimental music at the Schola Cantorum in Paris.

Marie composed numerous experimental pieces that has picked up each modern invoices of the era, including two ballets, an electronic symphony, Polygraphy polyphonique No. 1 for quarter-tone violin, tape and film and polygraphy polyphonique No. 2 for instrumental ensemble and projections, a piece for two pianos, one of them dritteltönig, and tape with awards from fifth - and sechsteltönigem piano, a cappella choral works, some in micro-intervals, cantatas and organ, instruments and audio tapes and film music.

  • French composer
  • Composer of classical music ( 20th century)
  • Born 1917
  • Died in 1989
  • Man