Jean-Louis Fetjaine

Jean -Louis Fetjaine (* 1956 ) is a French fantasy author.

Fetjaine studied philosophy and medieval history. He worked as a journalist and since 1985 as a publisher. Initial successes were humorous guide, among other things, Le Guide du jeune père (1988 ), Le Guide de survie à l' usage des parents (1991) and L' homme aux femmes explique (1995).

His fantasy career began with his Elves trilogy, which is based on the Arthurian legend. The first volume of Le crépuscule elfes appeared in France in 1998; the German translation Before the Dawn Elves 2001. followed in 1999 La nuit des elfes (engl. "The Night of the Elves " in 2002 ) and 2000 L' heure des elfes (engl. "The Hour of the Elves " 2002). This was followed by the Merlin cycle, consisting of the two volumes Le pas de Merlin ( 2002) (Engl. "The path of the Magician" 2004) and brocéliande (2004) (Engl. "Merlin in the forest elves " 2006). With Les voiles de Fredegonde began Jean -Louis Fetjaine 2006 Les pure pourpres cycle.


Elf Trilogy

  • Before dusk elves, 2001, ISBN 3423208422, La crépuscule of elfes, 1999
  • The night of the elves, 2002, ISBN 3423208236, La nuit des elfes, 2000
  • The hour of the elves, 2002, ISBN 3423243341, L' heure des elfes, 2002


  • The path of the magician, 2004, ISBN 3423244097, Le pas de Merlin, 2003
  • Merlin in the forest elves, 2005, ISBN 3423245034, brocéliande, 2004

Les pure pourpres

  • Les voiles de Fredegonde, 2006