Jean Reverzy

Jean Reverzy (* 1914, † 1959) was a French physician and writer from Lyon, which was extremely successful with his 1954 published first book Le Passage. The novel describes the gradual decline of a liver sick man who returns from Tahiti to France, to die there. There he is cared for by a friendly doctor. Through flashbacks, it is possible for the narrator to represent life on the tropical island and to describe it as rotten and rotten. Reverzy kept himself in 1953 in French Polynesia on. He joins with his literature about Tahiti in a literary team, which ranges from Pierre Loti about Victor Segalen to Paul Gauguin. The novel was awarded the Book Prize Prix Renaudot 1954. Le Passage was sold to date, over 100000 times.

Reverzy wrote two more novel before he died in 1959: Place of angoisses (1956) and Le Corridor (1958). Other posthumous published texts are, inter alia, Le silence de la vraie vie and Cambridge.
