Jeannie (given name)

Jeannie (also Jeanny ) is a female first name and the pet form of Jean.

Origin and Meaning

Jeannie comes from the Hebrew form of the name Jechonan ( יוחנן ) meaning " Jehovah has given grace " or " the Lord is gracious " and is to be understood in Judaism the expression of a -conceived as a gift birth.


Jeanny, Jeanie, Jeanne

Famous names winners

  • Jeannie Berlin ( born 1949 ), American actress, writer and theater director
  • Jeannie Ebner (1918-2004), Austrian writer
  • Jeannie Robertson (1908-1975), Scottish folk singer
  • Jeannie Longo - Ciprelli (born 1958 ), French cyclist
  • Jeannie C. Riley ( born 1945 ), American country singer