Jeep CJ#CJ-3B

The Mitsubishi Jeep is one of the Japanese car manufacturer Mitsubishi Motors from 1952 to 1998 built off-road vehicle.

Model history

1952 Mitsubishi met with the U.S. owner of the Jeep, Willys -Overland, an agreement for the Japanese license production of the SUV Jeep CJ- 3B.

After installation of around 550 units from CKD kits Mitsubishi went on from 1953 complete in-house production of the Mitsubishi Jeep. Were offered open and closed models on recently and a closed four-door on a long wheelbase.

The model remained until the end of the 1990s, the Japanese offer; since it is built only for the Japanese military and are generated annually in a few hundred copies.

It was designed exclusively for the domestic market and was not allowed to be exported according to license terms.
