Jeffrey Goldstone

Jeffrey Goldstone ( born September 3, 1933, Manchester, England ) is a British physicist who lived in the USA since 1977.

Life and work

Jeffrey Goldstone was born the son of Hyman and Sophia Goldstone. After the Grammar School in Manchester, he attended Trinity College, Cambridge, where he made his 1954 and 1956 Bachelor 's Master since 1951. Under the supervision of Hans Bethe in 1958 he received his doctorate. From 1961 to 1976 he was a lecturer and 1976-1977 Reader for Mathematical Physics. During this time he was also a visiting scholar at various universities and research institutes, as in Copenhagen, at CERN, at Harvard, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), in Santa Barbara, at SLAC, at the École Normale Supérieure and in Rome. In 1977, he left England and was a professor at MIT in Cambridge (Massachusetts ). From 1983 until his retirement in 2004 he was there Cecil and Ida Green Professor of Physics and 1983-1989 also director of the Center for Theoretical Physics.

In a work of 1961 Goldstone shows that massless bosons occur when a global symmetry is spontaneously broken (→ Goldstonetheorem ). With Abdus Salam and Steven Weinberg, he dealt with symmetry breaking and with Frank Wilczek, he worked on solitons. Later he devoted himself to the string theory and algorithms for quantum computers.

Goldstone is married to Roberta Gordon since 1980 and has one son, Andrew.



