Jeffrey Mandula

Jeffrey Ellis Mandula ( * 1941 in New York City ) is an American theoretical physicist.

Life and work

Mandula his PhD in 1966 at Harvard University in Sidney Coleman. 1969/70 he was at the Institute for Advanced Study. Later he worked at the University of Washington in Seattle and was the DoE responsible for the promotion of high energy physics.

Mandula worked among other things on Yang-Mills theories and quantum chromodynamics, both in analytical treatment as well as on the grid. He is known for a theorem by Coleman in 1967, in which they proved the impossibility of union internal symmetries with space-time symmetries in quantum field theories ( Coleman - Mandula theorem). Only by supersymmetry was a way out of this "no -go theorem" is displayed in ( Haag- Lopuszanski - Sohnius theorem, 1975).
