Jerome of Prague

Jerome of Prague (c. 1379 in Prague, † May 30 1416 in Konstanz, Czech: Jeronym Pražský ) was a Bohemian scholar and co-founder of the Hussite movement


In some views Jerome of Prague was even more radical than Jan Hus himself; it was him doing a major concern, and carry a possible reform of the Church based on the original lore.

. Moreover, he was a follower of John Wyclif and involved in Kutna Hora Decree of 1409 in order to spread the principles of the reform, Jerome undertook numerous journeys - as well as in the Kingdom of Poland - Lithuania - where he probably in 1413 with representatives of the Orthodox Church came in contact.

When Jan Hus was arrested at the Council of Constance, Konstanz Jerome rushed to help him. When he learned that he should be arrested, but he did return, but was nevertheless arrested in Hirschau shortly thereafter. Prior to the certain knowledge of the pyre he recanted his statements, for which he was initially sentenced only to life imprisonment.

Shortly thereafter he distanced himself again from his right, and was finally burned in 1416 in Constance.


At the upper arbor in the left-bank part of Konstanz since 1867, a memorial plaque to Jerome of Prague. A commemorative plaque on the house to Dolphin in the Hussenstraße in the old town of Constance remembered that Jerome of Prague in 1415 lived here before he fled.


May 29 in the Protestant calendar name.
