Jes Bertelsen

Jes Bertelsen ( born 1946 ) is a Danish consciousness researcher and author of numerous books.

Jes Bertelsen studied at the University of Aarhus, Denmark, where he gave from 1970 to 1982 even lessons. Bertelsen received his Doctor of Philosophy degree dr 1974. phil. idea of the History Institute of the University of Aarhus. Today, he heads the Vækstcenter ( growth center ) in Nørre Snede, Jutland, Denmark, which he founded in 1982 together with Hanne Kizach. In his classes, he strives for synthesis of Eastern and Western spiritual insights and forms of practice in the light of modern psychological and philosophical thought.

His work includes 19 books, afgørelse from the category above - Strukturer i Kierkegaard tænkning (category and decision - structures in Kierkegaard's thinking) (1972 ) up to Dzogchenpraksis (2003) - German: Dzogchen (2006). His dissertation on Kierkegaard, Jung and Kant appeared in 1974 under the title Ouroboros - en undersøgelse af selvets strukturer ( Ouroboros - A study of the structures of the self ). The focus of his later books on the topics of depth psychology, self-development and meditative practice.

1989 met Jes Bertelsen the Tibetan teacher Tulku Urgyen. This encounter is reflected in his later books, and in his teaching, the more and more focused on meditative practice forms. Another source of inspiration for Jes Bertelsen is the tradition of heart prayer in the Eastern Church as found to deployed on Mount Athos in Greece.


  • Categorization above afgørelse: strukturer i Kierkegaard tænkning (category and decision: structures in Kierkegaard's thinking), 1972.
  • Ouroboros: en undersøgelse af selvets strukturer ( Ouroboros: a study of the structures of the self ), 1974, ISBN 87-418-4014-3.
  • Individuation ( individuation ), 1975, ISBN 87-418-3521-2.
  • Depth psychology, Fødselstraumets psykologi ( The Psychology of the birth trauma ), 1978, ISBN 87-418-4768-7.
  • Genfødelsens psykologi ( The psychology of rebirth ), 1979, ISBN 87-418-4930-2.
  • The vestlige meditation psykologi ( The Psychology of Western meditation ), 1980, ISBN 87-418-2811-9.
  • En østlig meditationspsykologi ( An eastern meditation Psychology ), 1983, ISBN 87-418-5249-4.
  • Dromme, chakrasymboler og meditation, 1982, ISBN 87-418-1070-8; German: dream work and meditation, 1988, ISBN 3-466-34187-6.
  • Højere bevidsthed, (1983 ), ISBN 87-418-6926-5; German: Higher Consciousness, 1993, ISBN 3-85914-371-9.
  • Energi og bevidsthed ( energy and consciousness ), 1984, ISBN 87-418-7320-3.
  • Kvantespring - en bog om kærlighed ( quantum leaps - a book about love ), 1986, ISBN 87-418-7901-5.
  • Selvets virkelighed ( The reality of the Self), 1988, ISBN 87-418-8489-2.
  • Indre tantra - tantrisk enhed: reetablerede meditative anvisninger ( Inner Tantra - Tantric unit: Retablierte meditative instructions ), 1989, ISBN 87-418-8844-8.
  • Kristusprocessen ( The Christ process ), 1989, ISBN 87-418-8937-1.
  • Bevidsthedens befrielse - ved meditative indsigt i bevidsthedens kilde, 1991, ISBN 87-418-6211-2; German: liberation of consciousness - through meditative insight into its source, 1994, ISBN 3-85914-242-9.
  • Nuets sky ( The sky of now ), 1994, ISBN 87-21-00193-6.
  • Hjertebøn above ikonmystik - kristen Praksis fra til korsfæstelse forklarelse Give heart and icon mysticism - Christian practice of the crucifixion of the Transfiguration, 1996, ISBN 87-21-00365-3.
  • Bevidsthedens inderste: Dzogchen, 1999, ISBN 87-7357-761-8; The heart of Consciousness: Dzogchen, 2006, ISBN 3-9807536-6-2.
  • Dzogchenpraksis - som bevidsthedsvidde, 2003, ISBN 87-621-0434-9; German: Dzogchen, as awareness width, 2006, ISBN 3-9807536-7-0.
  • Bevidsthedens flydende lys - betragtninger over begrebet apperception hos Immanuel Kant og Longchenpa, 2008, ISBN 87-638-0780-7.