Jesuit drama

Jesuit theater (also Jesuit drama) is the Catholic, Latin -language baroque drama of the Jesuits, which was especially cultivated in Jesuit schools in the 16th and 17th centuries. The performances broke with the traditions of the Christian proclamation and availed themselves of worldly entertainment concepts.


The Jesuit theater was built in response to the Reformation and Counter-Reformation was part of the enterprises of the Jesuit Order. The Reformation teachings began to grab and the Catholic Church faced tough criticism. The Jesuit theater had the intention to win back the doubters and portray the Catholic Church as a triumphant winner. Viewers should be addressed mainly on an emotional level.

In the first hundred years since 1550, the actual heyday, the Latin -language drama initially leaned heavily on the so-called humanist drama, soon to be a wonderfully designed piece conversion. Among the most important authors on German territory were Georg Agricola, Nicolaus of Avancini and Jacob Bidermann. All performances took place in Latin. So-called " Periochen " ( program notes ) in German language easier to understand.

The dramas were shown not only in the 750 colleges of the Jesuits ( the Paris College of Louis le Grand, there were even three stages ). There were performances in every major Catholic town and the royal courts. One of the greatest contemporary theater spaces in Germany was the Jesuit Church of St. Michael in Munich.

The Fathers produced en masse plays - Jean -Marie Valentin counted 7,650 titles - that are originated within 220 years. The issues revolved around church history, Christian martyrs, saints legends mission in the Far East and other religious and ecclesiastical subjects. In recent decades, classical materials published. The viewers were familiar with the Jesuit worldview.

After 1773, the actual tradition of Jesuit theater with the abolition of the order ended by Pope Clement XIV Even after the re-establishment of the Order in 1814 there have been attempts to revive this facility again.

Theater practice

The colorful performances were equipped with music, ballet, and dozens of actors and performers who populated the stage. The spectators were kept by baroque pomp and fireworks show effects of breath. Magnificent scenery and props impressed the spectators as well as any effects of that stage technique: explosions, lightning and thunder, fire-breathing dragons, flying down to linen angel and infernal noise from the earth swallowed ghosts. Some of the audience were encouraged to play along and took this way emotionally part in the joys and sorrows of the stage heroes.

The performances were part of such an impressive vehemence that is reported of spontaneous conversions. So should have begged for a resumption in the Catholic faith on the spot also present Prince. The agony illustrated with dramatic stage effects have in their imagery obviously a greater persuasiveness achieved as argumentative words.
