Jesús de Polanco

Jesús de Polanco ( born November 7, 1929 in Madrid, Spain, † July 21, 2007 ) was a Spanish media entrepreneur. In 2005, he was world ranked 210 of the richest people and in 2006 at number 258.

Polanco was considered politically more left-wing. He owned 64 percent of the Spanish media group PRISA, in which, among other things, the largest and most internationally known daily newspaper in Spain, El País appears. Due to his political influence he was nicknamed Jesús del Gran Poder, and its dominance in the Spanish media has been criticized partly violently from right side. His opponents accused him of using a monopoly to operate tendentious reporting. The PRISA was accused, among other things, to influence the public opinion of the Partido Popular, and on the Madrid cable stops using their coverage on one side. Of no nationalist side and internationally but especially Polanco was highlighted influence in the consolidation of Spanish democracy.

Polanco died mid-July 2007 from complications associated with arthritis.
