Jet car

As jet Dragster Dragster be designated instead of the use of a piston engine, a jet engine as the drive.

The engines probably added from fighter jets and are equipped with afterburners. They have very different services, usually it is about 10,000 hp, with about 8 liters of fuel consumed per second. The engine is installed in passenger car dragsters in the middle of the vehicle and is located directly next to the driver, which can cause ( for example, burns) any technical malfunctions often serious injury. This particular form of Dragster is also called Jetfunnycar.

In contrast, the dragsters truck up to three engines located behind the cab. Here the rider is much better protected.

The " car dragster " reach a force of up to 5 G, which acts on the driver and -8 G when braking with double braking parachute in acceleration.
