Jim Starlin

James P. "Jim" Starlin ( born October 9, 1949 in Detroit, Michigan) is an American comic book writer and signatory.

Life and work

Starlin, whose drawing style is inspired by Jack Kirby and Steve Ditko, began working in the early 1970s as a professional cartoonist. After various lay people working for fanzines Starlin received 1972 first regular engagement in the Marvel Comics. There, he worked first as over -working Pens for the Spider -Man series. This was followed by signatories Jobs for Iron Man and Captain Marvel. For the latter series Starlin finally took over first jobs as an author. The title hero of his Captain Marvel stories led Starlin later in the graphic novel The Death of Captain Marvel 's death to. 1973 Starlin won the Shazam Award for " extraordinary new talent ."

In the 1980s, Starlin began increasingly to work for Marvel's rival DC: From 1987 to 1988 Starlin took over the position of the author of the traditional superhero series Batman ( # 414-430 ). A highlight of his work on the series was the infamous storyline A Death in the Family (# 426-429 ) in the Death of Batman's junior partner Robin (Jason Todd ) culminated. The controversial story was though commercially a great success and enjoyed by the readers of the Batman series - which had voted in a nearly failed telephone voting, was voted on in the About death or survival of the figure, for the death Robins - throughout a subdued consent but also attracted a lot of criticism from the press and parents' associations. There were a few stories as a guest author for the Legion of Super-Heroes series and miniseries Cosmic Oddysee.

For Epic Comics (and later for First Comics ) Starlin presented the series Dreadstar. After his return to Marvel Starlin worked on the series Silver Surfer, Punisher and Thor (1993).

Together with his wife Daina Graziunas Starlin wrote novels such as Thinning the Predators, Among Madmen and Lady El while he Devil 's Due series, the Cosmic Guard developed for the independent comic publishing company, which was later marketed by Dynamite Entertainment.

Together with the illustrator Shane Davis produced Starlin DC for the mini-series Mystery in Space, as well as on its own additional stories on Hardcore Station and the miniseries Death of the New Gods.

  • Cartoonist
  • Americans
  • Born in 1949
  • Man