Jinning County

The circle Jinning (晋宁 县, Jinning Xiàn ), is a county in the southeast of the prefecture-level city of Kunming, capital of Yunnan Province in the People's Republic of China. It has an area of 1,391 km ² and has about 270,000 inhabitants ( 2002). Its main town is the large village Kunyang (昆阳 镇).

The Shizhaishan Tombs ( Shizhaishan gumuqun石寨 山 古墓 群) and the grave of Ma Tele Hazhi (Ma Hazhi mubei马哈 只 墓碑) in the large village Kunyang, the father of Zheng He, available since 2001 and 2006 respectively on the list of monuments of the people's Republic of China.

Administrative Divisions

The committee is composed at the community level of three large municipalities and five municipalities. These are:

  • Greater community Kunyang昆阳 镇
  • Greater community Erjie二 街镇
  • Greater community Jincheng晋 城镇
  • Community Shuanghe双 河乡
  • Community Xiyang夕阳 乡
  • Community Shangsuan上 蒜 乡
  • Community Liujie六街 乡
  • Community Xinjie新 街乡