

Jǐnzhōu (Ch锦州 市/锦州 市) is a prefecture-level city in southwestern Liaoning Province in the People's Republic of China with 3.102 million inhabitants ( 2010) and an area of ​​10,111 km ².

Administrative Divisions

The prefecture-level city is made up of three districts, two urban districts and two counties. These are:

  • City Taihe District (太和 区), 459 square kilometers, population 210,000;
  • City Guta District (古塔 区), 28 km ², 240,000 inhabitants;
  • Municipality Linghe (凌河 区), 48 km ², 420,000 inhabitants;
  • Linghai City (凌海市), 2862 km ², 600,000 inhabitants;
  • City Beizhen (北 镇 市), 1782 km ², 530,000 inhabitants;
  • Circle Heishan (黑山县), 2436 km ², 630,000 inhabitants, capital: greater community Heishan (黑 山镇);
  • Yi County (义县), 2496 km ², 440,000 inhabitants, capital: greater community Yizhou (义 州镇).

The " Technical- Economic Development Zone of Jinzhou (锦州 ​​经济 技术 开发区/锦州 经 剂 技术 开发区) " is part of the administrative organization forth the independent city Linghai, but is under the direct government of Jinzhou, making it the county level equated.
