João de Santarém

João de Santarém ( dates unknown ) was a Portuguese navigator and explorer.


1469 had the Portuguese King Alfonso V. leased the right, however, to take in and on behalf of the Portuguese crown at its own expense, traveling along the west coast of Africa. This terminated a five-year contract, the wealthy Portuguese merchant Fernão Gomes undertook, inter alia, to explore 100 leagues annually African coast. Fernão Gomes undertook excellent sailors for this task.

One of his captains was João de Santarém, who conducted the second organized and financed by Fernão Gomes journey together with the pilot Pêro Escobar from 1471 to 1472. They explored the situated in present-day Ghana and Benin during the African coast to the southernmost point of the Niger Delta, the Cape Formoso.

On 21 December 1471 the island of São Tomé were, the island Annobón ( Ano Bom ) and on January 17, 1472 reached the São Antão of them baptized today Príncipe Island on New Years Day 1472. After this trip, João de Santarém disappeared from the Portuguese chronicles.

Whether the João 1484 as Capitão entrusted with the reign of Alcatrazes on the belonging to the group of Cape Verde island of São Tiago and Santiago de Santarém is identical to the navigator and explorer, is likely but not guaranteed.
