Job demands-resources model

The Job Demand -Control model or demand-control model ( job demand - control model, 1979), the American sociologist Robert Karasek to provide an assessment of stress and strain factors in the work environment.

These sets Karasek two important parameters for the determination of these factors in the room: the Job Demands ( work demands ) and job decision latitude ( the latitude or autonomy at work). Both can be present both in low and high expression. It is assumed that strong workplace exposures arise when work demands are high, but the work ends only a small room for maneuver, is available due to the lack of autonomy.

Karasek assumes that high job demands lead to a state with high energy action ( motivational push). The extent to which the worker is now empowered to make choices, modulates or transforms the release of the resulting energy ( motivation). However, no action occurs due to lack of autonomy to pass, the action energy is lost as "mental strain" in stress symptoms over.
