Job description

A job description (including job description or English. Job description) is a person- neutral written description of a job in terms of their work objectives, tasks, competences and relations to other places. The distinction from a so-called occupation picture is the level of demonstration. An international vacancy is mentioned in the recruitment area and Assignment letter.


The contents of job descriptions vary in literature and practice and between businesses. The wording should be clear, simple and unambiguous manner and may include the following particulars:

  • Classification of the point in the company's organization
  • Representation
  • Job description Objectives (main task ) of the agency
  • Tasks ( leadership, specialized tasks, specific tasks and personal tasks)
  • Responsibilities and duties
  • Demands on the jobholder
  • Cooperation with other bodies

On the design of a job description concerned should be involved. The development is usually completed with the signatures of the creator, the job holder and his immediate superior. Job descriptions should endure only so long as they reflect the reality, as they describe the instantaneous state.

Professional job descriptions contain information about performance expectations that provide the supervisor and those holders an objective basis for assessing performance. These are used for the formulation of requirement profiles.

Part of the employment contract is the legally prescribed job description. Your content is largely identical to those of the job description in the description of the activities, so the latter is often defined based on the employment contract.

Pros and Cons

  • Clearly defined action and decision latitude (tasks, skills and responsibilities )
  • Preventing conflicts of jurisdiction
  • Precise job advertisement, recruitment and staff development
  • Easier training of new employees ( incumbent )
  • Fixation on activities described - flexible forms of cooperation are hindered
  • Costs of introducing, regular review and updating
  • Promotion of over-organization and territorial thinking

Conditions of use

An application is carried out mainly at a stable business environment and routine tasks. In general, the proportion predictable, programmable tasks with increasing hierarchical level and increasing qualification of employees decreases. Therefore no clear specification of tasks is possible and it only describes the objectives to be pursued. The more a point but perceives routine tasks, the more detailed is the job description.

Cast Picture / vacancy / requirement profile

In addition to the job posting only includes the requirements for a new position to be filled and provides information about the desired requirements, the necessary training, skills, characteristics and other conditions.

This cast image of the in recruitment particular use is made thus represents the portion of a job description that is required to communicate with the labor market. First of all in-house data are excluded here.
