Job hunting

Job seekers are in accordance with § 15 sentence 2 SGB III individuals who are looking for a job as an employee. Seeking employment can also be persons who already carry out an employed or self-employment. The Job-seeking notification must be made in accordance with § 38 SGB III immediately following notice of termination of employment ( employment with compulsory insurance ), since the employee is punishable under § 17 SGB III of unemployment. In temporary employment, the Job-seeking notification must be made at least three months before such termination. Meaning of the regulation is to allow through early activities of the job seekers and job placement as possible a seamless data exchange to another employment in order to avoid the use of unemployment insurance.

You can jobseekers Also, if you are looking for a new job, but is still in employment. The timely reporting as a jobseeker (or unemployed ) is an important prerequisite to finding a job and financial help to get such as unemployment benefits.
