
Job Rich element ( job enrichment ) is a strategy of work structuring in unipersonellen field of work. The previous activities of an employee is to scope of work on a higher level of requirements ( see requirement determination) expanded. This is made possible by a ( presumed ) training of the employee. The employee is able to work independently to a greater extent. It is also described by a measure of the vertical restructuring, as opposed to a horizontal restructuring (Job Large Amendment).

A common example of job Rich element in the activity area shopping is an employee who previously only writes orders to transfer in addition to select suppliers and handle complaints.

By job Rich Ment the activity of an employee can be more interesting and responsible. In connection with the two-factor theory of Herzberg and Maslow's pyramid of needs can be assumed that job by Rich Ment increases job satisfaction, as the need for autonomy and self-realization is more satisfied.

Pictures of Jobenrichment
