Johan Schreiner

Johan Christian Schreiner ( born May 25, 1903 in Drøbak, † October 8, 1967 in Oslo) was a Norwegian historian.

Family and Education

His parents were the professor Kristian Emil Schreiner (1874-1957) and the doctor and anthropologist Alette flat ( 1873-1951 ). He married his first wife, on March 7, 1928, the editor and politician Kirsten Moe ( 1903-1974 ). The marriage ended in divorce. His second wife he married on May 2, 1930 Astri Høst ( 1907-1969 ).

Johan Schreiner grew up in Kristiania, where he took the examen artium in 1921 from. After that, he studied philology and was in 1927 the state exam with history major and German and Norwegian as a minor. 1932-1937 he was a university fellow, lecturer from 1939 and from 1946 Professor of History.


His historical research first sought the period of unification, and later the decline in the late Middle Ages. Then he turned to the trade policy and economic history. These he kept in various archives in France, Great Britain, Denmark, Sweden, the Netherlands and Germany. The result has been extensive work on the Hanseatic League and the Dutch timber trade in Norway. About this timber trade, he wrote his dissertation, which he submitted in 1933. He wrote about banking history, insurance history and recent maritime history. 1953 wrote a band in Aschehougs world history medieval Europe, which covered 1000 years in 500 pages. He belonged to the Marxist-inspired historians.


In 1924 he received the King's Gold Medal for outstanding recent research. From 1939 he was a member of Det Norske Videnskaps - Akademi. From 1947-1955 he was Chairman of the norske Historiske forening. He also received the Gold Medal of the University of Oslo for Norwegian historical research. In 1965 he was awarded the St. Olav's Order as a Knight 1st Class.

Works (selection)

  • Tradisjon og saga om Olav the Hellige, Det Norske Akademi Videnskaps - Skr. II 1926 nr. 1, 1926
  • Translation of Fagrskinna. En norsk kongesaga, 1926
  • Saga og oldfunn. Studier til Norges eldste history, Det Norske Akademi Videnskaps - Skr. II 1927 nr. 4, 1927
  • Nederland Norge og 1625-1650. Trelastutførsel above handelspolitikk, dissertation., Det Norske Akademi Videnskaps - Skr. II 1933 nr. 3, 1933
  • Hanseatene og Norges Nedgang, 1935
  • Hanseatene og Norge i det 16 århundre, 1941
  • Akers Sparebank gjennom hundre år 1843-1943, 1943
  • Norske Liv 1844-1944 (together with N. Solberg ), 1948
  • Pest above prisfall i senmiddelalderen, Det Norske Videnskaps - Akademi treatises. II 1948 nr. 1, 1948
  • Middelburg Alderen. Tusen års grotid, bd. 2 i Aschehougs verde history, 1953
  • Norsk skipsfart under krig above høykonjunktur 1914-1920, 1963