Johann Gottfried Bernhard Bach

Johann Gottfried Bernhard Bach ( born May 11, 1715 in Weimar, † May 27, 1739 in Jena ) was a German organist. He was the third son of Johann Sebastian Bach and Maria Barbara Bach and the younger brother of Wilhelm Friedemann and Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach.

Johann Gottfried Bernhard Bach visited the St. Thomas School in Leipzig. He received musical training from his father. 1735/1736 he was organist at the Marienkirche in Mühlhausen and 1737/1738 in the same position at the St. Jacob's Church in Sanger -hausen. From there, he disappeared, leaving debt. The clueless magistrate of the city finally settled inquire with the Father, if he knew the whereabouts of his son. In two letters to Gottfried Bernhard room host, the Sangerhäuser Mayor terminal, as well as to his wife in May 1738 the dismayed and disappointed father spoke and pointed out that he already paid the debt of his son ( who, presumably, its departure from the Mühlhausen organist caused ) and have spoken to his conscience:

"With what pain and sadness but abfaße this answer, Eu can: high nobles of selves as a Liebreich and wohlmeynender father Dero loved marriage pledges judge. I have not seen for years in front of [ ... ] My (unfortunately mißrathenen ) son. Eu: Highly Noble is also not ignorant that damahln ( causierete so damahlen his abridgment probably ) before selfsame not alone the table, but also the Muehlhaeuser change bezahlet right, but also a few ducats allowed for repayment of some debts, the other in Meynung nunmehro a to take genus vitae. But I have heard that it again here and there aufgeborget not changed his LebensArth in the least, but to do absentieret me and not the least part of his stay bit now, knowing abermahligst made ​​with the utmost consternation. Waß shall I say, or do? Since no admonition, not at all an affectionate care and assistence more will be sufficient, so my Creütz must bear in patience ... "

Johann Gottfried Bernhard Bach went the following year to Jena, where he enrolled as a student of law at the University and contact with his uncle Johann Nikolaus Bach recorded. There he died at age 24 on " high fever ". From him not a single note of posterity has been handed down.
