Johann Heinrich Callenberg

Johann Heinrich Call Berg ( born January 12, 1694 Molschleben; † July 16, 1760 in Halle ( Saale) ) was orientalist, journalist and theologian.


The farmer's son studied for his high school years in Gotha from 1715 in Hall philology and theology. There he received the extraordinary 1727, 1735 full professor of Oriental languages ​​and in 1739 professor of theology.

Due to its special interest for the Jews and Mohammedanermission he founded at the instigation of Johann Andreas Hochstetter and prompted by August Hermann Francke 1728 Institutum Judaicum et Muhammedicum, which was united in 1792 with the Francke Foundations. The Foundation translated the Bible and devotional writings in Eastern languages ​​and these translations could be prepared in-house printing. It is located about 20 missionaries were trained and the first two missionaries, Johann Georg Widmann and Johann Andreas Manitius were sent out in November 1730.

He was buried in the Halle Stadtgottesacker. His grave is located in the crypt arch 73, grave inscriptions are no longer obtain.

Works (selection)

  • Ber. v. a verse, the Jewish. People, for the knowledge of the christl. To guide truth, along with 16 Fortss. , 3 vols, Hall 1728/29
  • Message v. a verse to bring the abandoned Mohammedans such salutary knowledge of Christ, Hall 1739th