Johann III. Bernoulli

Johann Bernoulli (* November 4, 1744 in Basel, † July 13, 1807 in Berlin) was a Swiss astronomer from the Bernoulli family.

Johann III. was the eldest son of Johann II Bernoulli and traveled early, almost all countries in Europe. In 1766 he was elected as the fifth member of the family to the Berlin Academy. As the Queen's astronomer, he headed then an astronomical observatory. He published various mathematical and astronomical works; 1781 to 1784, he secured the estate of Johann Heinrich Lambert.


  • Recueil pour les astronomes. 3 volumes and one supplement volume, Berlin 1771-1779
  • Collection of short travelogues. 18 volumes, Berlin 1781-1878
  • Archive for recent history, Gegraphie, nature and human nature. 8 volumes, Leipzig 1783-1788