Johann Leusden

Johann (es) Leusden ( born April 26, 1624 Utrecht, † September 30, 1699 ) was a Calvinist theologian and Hebraist.

Leusden 1650 was extraordinary in 1653 and a full professor of Hebrew Language at the University of Utrecht, where he served 1661/62, 1676/77 and 1693 /94 Rector.

In cooperation with the Jewish Publisher Joseph Athias from Amsterdam Leusden was the first Hebrew Bible with numbered verses out (1661, 2nd edition 1667). This version of the Bible gained because of their accuracy and aesthetically pleasing pressure an outstanding reputation and served until the 19th century almost all the editions of the Bible as a model. Leusden was one of the leading Bible scholars of his time and wrote several treatises on biblical studies and Hebrew philology ( Philologus Hebraeus, 1656; Philologus Hebraeo - Mixtus, 1663; Philologus Hebraeo Latino Belgicum, 1668; Philologus Hebraeo - Graecus, 1670; Korte Hebreusche s Chaldeusche taalkonst, 1686). He also translated the catalog of the 613 commandments contained in the introduction of the Mishneh Torah, the halachic Code of Maimonides.
