Johannes Aal

John eel (* 1500 in Bremgarten, † May 28 1551 in Solothurn, also Al or All, Latinized: Anguilla, Olus ) was a Swiss theologian, composer and playwright.


Eel was born as the son of Bremgartener citizen Hans eel. Until 1529 he was a pastor in his hometown. With the introduction of the Reformation in Bremgarten of the followers of Catholicism lost his position and went as a secular priest in Baden, near Zurich. There he joined the Verena brotherhood. In 1536 he enrolled in Freiburg im Breisgau. He studied with the humanist Glareanus, with the later a friendship bound him. Finally, he was appointed in 1538 to Solothurn a pin preacher and choir master. 1544 was chosen for eel provost of St. Ursus in Solothurn. With this Office the Rector was also connected to the local grammar school. Since 1544 he also owned the rights of citizenship in Solothurn.

He created a tragedy to the story of John the Baptist ( Tragoedia St. John the Baptist ), which was performed in 1549 and 1596 yet another performance experienced. As a musician, he composed in 1543, a 16- strophiges St. Mauritzen - and - St.Urs song.

The nephew of John eel is the playwright Hanns Wagner ( 1522-1590 ).
