Johanniter International

The global network of the Hospitallers

St. John International ( JOIN) was founded in 2000 as an international network of individual charities of the Knights. The seat of JOIN is in Brussels, Belgium. The 16 member organizations from Europe and the Middle East. The remit of the charitable organizations including the emergency services, health care products, various social services, international humanitarian assistance and much more. A total of 100,000 members and volunteer helpers support the Knights charities. JOINs main objective is to facilitate the exchange of best practice among members to achieve closer cooperation between the members at European and international level and to represent the interests of its members at European level.

Since 2006, St. John International ( JOIN) an ASBL ( association sans but lucrative ), a non -profit organization under Belgian law. Currently has 16 members JOIN from the following countries: Germany, Estonia, Finland, France, United Kingdom ( England and Wales), Italy, Latvia, Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, Cyprus and the St. John Eye Hospital in Jerusalem. All member organizations go back to the four-day in Europe Evangelical Order of St. John - The Most Venerable Order of St John of Jerusalem ( England), the Order of St. John ( Germany ), St. John Orde in Nederland (Netherlands) and Johanniterorden i Sverige ( Sweden). The individual medals cooperate as " Alliance of Order of Saint John of Jerusalem."

Member organizations


Although often differ significantly, the service offered by individual members, they all have the commitment to social welfare and humanitarian aid to the destination. Together with volunteers and full-time employees, they take care of people in need in daily life and in times of crises. The services and support offered can be used by all people to complete. In the following areas JOIN members are particularly active: patient transport services, emergency medical services, patient transport, first aid and first aid training, international humanitarian assistance, youth work, food and clothing donations, education, repatriation in case of illness, services for disabled people, elder care, and much more. Various projects of the JOIN members as various women's groups, education and collaborative projects in Djibouti, humanitarian assistance and health care in Pakistan and the distribution of medical supplies and food after the 2010 earthquake in Haiti.

St. John International in Brussels

The office of St. John International ( JOIN) is located in Brussels. Its proximity to the institutions of the European Union ( EU) makes it possible to observe the relevant JOIN members developments at European level exactly. The office encourages contact and exchange of information between the individual members of the network. Other tasks include the coordination and facilitation of the activities of members in the various permanent working groups and other meetings that serve to promote cooperation in the various fields of JOIN ( for example, the emergency services, the humanitarian, social and health policy ). The office represents the interests of the JOIN members at various NGO's, stakeholders and the European institutions, for example in the field of voluntary work. As part of the Alliance for the European Year of Volunteering 2011 JOIN has helped strategy and recommendation papers ( " Policy Agenda for Volunteering in Europe ( PAVE ) " ), publish, efficient inter alia, recommendations and more effective European framework for the support and promotion include volunteers and their organizations. In addition, the JOIN office in Brussels supports the St. John foreign aid, a division of German St. John 's Ambulance Service with information on activities of various actors in Brussels, which are active in the field of international humanitarian aid, civil defense and civil protection.

Working groups

With regard to the objective of JOIN to allow its members to benefit from reinforced sharing and increased cooperation, the working groups are one of the most important institutions of JOIN. The groups not only provide a platform for exchange of experiences and knowledge on specific issues, but also provide a space where members can discuss and develop JOIN upcoming projects. Through the pooling of resources within the network individual members can implement projects for their own capacity would not normally be sufficient by JOIN. In addition, the working groups guarantee a transparent and participatory structure within JOINs, since participation is not only open to all members but is also encouraged. Depending on the field of work, it may be more appropriate to promote a regular exchange of information and regular cooperation, or to limit the exchange only to a meeting. The permanent working groups shall normally meet twice a year. In addition to the working groups JOIN organized individual meetings to exchange positions and information. Threads of the individual meetings are, for example first aid instructions, cooperation in relation to the European Resuscitation Council, or repatriation. Currently JOIN has four permanent working groups.


The working group deals with all issues that affect volunteering and volunteering, including with the exchange of volunteers between the JOIN members, statutory guidelines and the employment of volunteers. 2011, the Working Group was instrumental in the participation of the European JOIN Year of Volunteering 2011 and the discharge of the European Volunteer swap. The working group is also responsible for the coordination and implementation of ongoing voluntary exchange program of JOIN, the "JOIN Volunteer Swap".

Humanitarian Aid

The St. John foreign aid, a division of St. John 's Ambulance Service ( Germany ), is responsible for all projects and activities that are related to international humanitarian aid. It coordinates all activities of the Working Group JOIN Humanitarian Aid. The Working Group encourages partnerships JOIN members to carry out projects and facilities of humanitarian aid worldwide. The international crisis response team of St. John foreign aid, which was also volunteers from other JOIN members are involved, has successfully responded in real crisis situations, surgery and trained. For example, the earthquake in Haiti in 2010. The head of the foreign aid Guido Dost is also the head of the working group JOIN Humanitarian Aid.


Participants in the Working Group Youth discuss common interests of the JOIN members concerning the topic of youth work, such as the first-aid training and first aid competitions, youth exchanges and more. The working group also allows a number of bilateral exchanges between JOIN members.

PR & Marketing

The working group deals with all tasks and topics for press work of JOIN. These include the web site, publications, as well as corporate identity and corporate design. In the past, the working group has, for example, the JOIN logo designed and helped publish several brochures to JOIN activities. At the regular meeting, experiences, best practices and know-how exchange. Related topics such as fundraising and JOIN internal acquisition of ( medical ) equipment are also topics of the Working Group PR & Marketing. In the working group contributed 2011hat greatly to the public measures of JOIN in the framework of the European Year of Volunteering
