John Frum

The John Frum movement is a religious movement on the Pacific island of Tanna, part of the island nation of Vanuatu. It is one of the widely used especially in the South Pacific cargo cults.

Historical Background

The John Frum movement emerged in 1940 as a counter-movement to Christian missionary activities. Buoyancy received by the stationing of American soldiers who were regarded as emissaries of John Frum. The government tried to suppress the cult; In 1952 there were arrests of supporters of the movement. In 1957 they formally constituted itself as a religious community.

According to the ideas of John Frum supporters of the volcano Yasur is the origin of the world. Under its crater the son of God live. This name is John Frum and I'm from America. Supposedly John Frum appeared some islanders in the 1930s; he had expressed towards them following dogmas: " Keep your customs. Do not listen to Christian missionaries and lives of your gardens and animals. "

Faith in John Frum is one of the so-called cargo cults of the South Pacific, which probably date back to encounters of the islanders with Europeans and Americans during and after the 2nd World War. The unexplained for residents landing of unknown ships was considered the work of gods. Therefore, the expectation of salvation is usually associated also with the hope of material luxury goods. The roots of the cult are the in Melanesia widespread practice of worshiping significant ancestors. In its concrete form, he serves his followers to better manage change her life and encounters with aliens.

Religious practice

The John Frum movement consists of a stable community of followers (about 20 % of the local population ), and has strong parallels to Christianity. This expresses itself, among others, in the worship of a red cross in a style similar to Christian patterns of church. In addition, exist in their messianic notions of " John Frum ," the come forth one day from a crater and his followers will lead to a happy future. His feast day, the John Frum Day is celebrated every year on February 15.

The cult has about 1000 followers on the island of Vanuatu in the South.

Derived from the John Frum movement, the Prince Philip Movement, which worships Prince Philip, the Prince Consort of Queen Elizabeth II as a deity developed in the south Tannas.
