John Perkins (author)

John Perkins ( born January 28, 1945 in Hanover, New Hampshire) is an American political activist and writer. His most famous book, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, held seven weeks # 1 on the bestseller list of the New York Times. It is the attempt of the U.S. to the alleged global neocolonialism be demonstrated in the form of a description of the intelligence activities of the United States from the perspective of an insider.


Perkins visited in the 1960s, Middlebury College in Middlebury, Vermont ( New England ). In the 1970s he worked for the consulting firm Chas. T. Main hired.

Perkins is also the chairman of Dream Change, " a worldwide grassroots movement of people from different cultures and backgrounds, who work for a change of awareness and a sustainable lifestyle for the individual and for the world community. "

In the documentary Zeitgeist: Addendum Perkins describes the role of the U.S. in various shifts in political power at the examples of Iran and Central America.

In the published 2008 documentary Let's Make Money by Erwin Wagenhofer Perkins has a brief appearance.

Economic Hit Man

Perkins confesses in his book of the same, as a former chief economist of the strategy - consulting firm Chas. To have been T. Main agent of the U.S. National Security Agency ( NSA). After his presentation he was an " economic hit man" ( EHM; translated as " economic hitmen ").

He was hired by Einar Greve, therefore, an employee of the company, the Perkins describes as NSA liaison. Greve has denied this. Early in his career, so Perkins that he had been coached by a pretty, manipulative advisor as one of many STM, which should strengthen the " hegemony " of the U.S. corporations.

Perkins explains in his book that it was his job as a EHM been helping U.S. intelligence agencies and multinationals to entice foreign heads of state this and blackmail if necessary to "serve " the U.S. foreign policy and the U.S. economy lucrative to give orders. Essentially, the aim was, to give states greater U.S. loans than they could handle economically; by their inability to pay so induced, the United States had far-reaching influence zones, including extraction of raw materials secured in the respective countries. Heads of state, who did not engage in such " deals", had been cleared by the U.S. intelligence aid out of the way. Perkins mentions in his book explicitly the former President of Panama and Ecuador, Omar Torrijos and Jaime Roldós, both of which came in mysterious plane crash in 1981 killed.


  • Confessions of an Economic Hit Man. ISBN 978-0-452-28708-2; German translation: Confessions of an Economic Hit Man. Riemann, Munich 2005, ISBN 978-3-570-50066-8
  • The Secret History of the American Empire, ISBN 978-0-525-95015-8
  • World power without scruples: The dark side of globalization - How the U.S. systematically exploit developing countries. Redline Wirtschaft, Heidelberg 2007, 328 pages, ISBN 978-3-636-01448-1
  • Steven Hiatt (ed. ): A Game as Old as Empire. The Secret World of Economic Hit Men and the Web of Global Corruption. Introduction by John Perkins, 2007, ISBN 978-1-57675-395-8

Perkins has also written on indigenous cultures and shamanism, including the following books:

  • The Stress -Free Habit. 1989th German ( translated by Manfred Miethe ): O- Naami: Life without stress. Integral, Wessobrunn 1992. ISBN 978-3-89304-144-2
  • Psycho Navigation: Techniques for Travel Beyond Time, 1990, ISBN 089281800X, German ( translated by Manfred Miethe ): Psychonavigation. How do you determine your own life. Integral, Wessobrunn 1993. ISBN 3-89304-150-8
  • The World Is As You Dream It Shamanic teachings From the Amazon and Andes. 1994th German ( translated by Manfred Miethe ): And the dream world. Integral, Wessobrunn 1995. ISBN 978-3-89304-145-9
  • Shapeshifting: Shamanic Techniques for Global and Personal Transformation, ISBN 978-0-89281-663-7
  • The Heart of Racial Justice: How Soul Change Leads to Social Change, ISBN 978-0-8308-3722-9