Joint effusion

A joint effusion is an augmentation of the present in a joint synovial fluid or filling the joint cavity with normally not occurring in the joint body fluids. By type of fluid it may be:

  • Hydarthros or articular hydrops, referred to in veterinary medicine as a joint Galle: caused by inflammation of the synovial proliferation (synovial fluid )
  • Pyarthros or Gelenkempyem: accumulation of pus
  • Hemarthrosis, hemarthrosis: Collection of blood.

As causes of joint effusion trauma, mechanical overload come with inflammation of the synovium ( synovitis ), damage to the articular cartilage and infection in question. Collections of pus are usually the result of a penetrating injury, accumulation of blood the result of trauma or bleeding disorders.

Each joint effusion is accompanied by a visible and palpable swelling of the affected joint and a feeling of tension. The diagnosis is made through a puncture of the joint ( arthrocentesis ) and investigation of the Punktats. Imaging procedures allow any definite statement about the nature of the liquid.

Persistent effusion lead to nutritional disorders of articular cartilage and damage to the metabolism of the synovial membrane and require as bacterially induced effusions definitely a treat.
