
66.283333333333 - 22.833333333333Koordinaten: 66 ° 17 '0 "N, 22 ° 50 ' 0 " W

The Jökulfirðir ( German glacier fjords ) five fjords in northwestern Iceland are summarized.

The Jökulfirðir are in the West Fjords, more precisely on the north bank of the Ísafjarðardjúp. The south of the fjords lying glacier Drangajökull gives them the name. Today the whole country is no longer inhabited by the fjords, except for a few summer houses. The last inhabitants have moved away in the 1960s. Roads there is no here. One can achieve these fjords by boat only.

The Jökulfirðir include:

  • Hesteyrarfjörður (English Fjord horses sandbank )
  • Veiðileysufjörður (English Fjord without fishing)
  • Lónafjörður (German lagoon inlet )
  • Hrafnsfjörður (German Rabe Fjord )
  • Leirufjörður (German Lehmfjord )