Jonker JS-1 Revelation

Jonker JS1 Revelation and Jonker JS1 - TJ Jet Sustainer are single-seat gliders FAI 18m class with glass, carbon and aramid fibers ( "Kevlar" ) reinforced plastic. The successor Jonker JS1 Revelation C has an extended three meter wingspan and flies thus in the open class.

The South African manufacturer of the aircraft, Jonker Sailplanes, was founded in 2004 by two brothers Attie and Uys Jonker. The maiden flight of the JS -1 took place on 12 December 2006, the JS1 -C lifted on 22 March 2012 in the first time. Designer of the JS1 is Attie Jonker, the surface profile was however developed by Johan Bosman in collaboration with the TU Delft.


In 2008, Attie Jonker won the 18 -meter class at the "South African National Championships " with a JS -1 Revelation. Since then (March 2014) per year were won national and international competitions or terminated on the first places.


The four -part wing is fitted over the full width with flaperons and has winglets and three Schempp - Hirth airbrakes. The aircraft is designed for performance flight and an optional equipment with an engine. Some special design features are:

  • Blow turbulators in the wings to minimize resistance.
  • The airfoil was designed specifically for this series and has a maximum relative thickness of only 12.7%.
  • Patented Cockpitabsaugung " JS louvred Air Extractor "
  • A turbine drive as " doldrums slider " for the JS1 - TJ. A version of JS1 with self- starter is in development.


Technical incidents

On 29 April 2012, Jonker JS -1B crashed in the U.S., after the pilot in the air lost control of the rudder. He was able to escape by parachute.
