
Jonkheer ( jhr., Young Men, Young Men ), feminine form jonkvrouw ( jkvr., virgin, young woman), is in the Netherlands and Belgium, the nobility for the untitulierten nobility. The word is etymologically related to the word Junker. Also daughters of knights are jonkvrouwen as this noble title has no female equivalent. The daughter of a Jonkheer is jonkvrouw, the wife is not. For the wife of the predicate is used mevrouw.

The predicate is not explicitly given, but out of all the nobles, who may carry no title of nobility. In contrast to noble titles, it is not between first and last name, but before the first name and before academic degrees: yrs. dr. Marinus van der Goes van Naters, prof. yrs. dr. Mikhail Wladimiroff. The address for jonkheren or jonkvrouwen is hoogwelgeboren heer (high -born gentleman) or hoogwelgeboren vrouwe ( high-born woman).
