Joseph Fickler

Joseph Fickler ( born February 6, 1808 in Konstanz, † November 26, 1865 ) was a Democratic Agitator Vormarz the Grand Duchy of Baden and politicians at the time of the Baden Revolution as a regional component of the March Revolution in almost all states of the German Confederation.


Joseph Fickler came as his brother, the high school teacher Karl Alois Fickler, from a simple Tyrolean family. He was the first merchant, 1830, a weekly paper in the sense of that liberal opposition and was chairman of the citizens' committee of his native city. Self-taught, he made the " Seeblätter " which he edited in 1836, an influential organ of the liberal opposition and democracy. At the beginning of the 1848 revolution Fickler agitated once for a republic. Suspiciously, the inflows German workers from France, perhaps with the French Provisional Government, the second republic led by the local February Revolution in France, to be herself, and he was arrested at the instigation of Charles Mathys on April 8 in Karlsruhe, but acquitted in May 1849. By Offenburg People's Assembly (May 13, 1849) elected to the National Committee, he proved himself in its deliberations in Karlsruhe as one of the ablest and most resolute members, which both the haphazard appearing revolutionary radicalism Struve and the slow - cautious attitude of Brentano's party reluctant.

Elected on June 1, 1849 in the provisional government of the newly proclaimed Republic of Baden, he was already on 3 June in Stuttgart, where he had been sent to effect a connection to the Württemberg military people and with the Baden Revolution Party, captured and imprisoned in the fortress Hohenasperg. For a deposit of 1000 guilders set at liberty, he set off into exile in Switzerland, went to England, and thence to North America, where he performed as a fierce advocate of slavery later, returned to the defeat of the Confederacy in his native city of Konstanz and died there on 26 November 1865.

Marx / Engels Fickler

Joseph Fickler has, as a pandering, befitting resolute, steadfast Volkmann, a fat moon face, a thick fillet roast and corresponding Wanstumfang. From his early life is only known that he with a Bildschnitzkunstwerk from the fifteenth Säkulum and relics, which had reference to the Council of Constance, a livelihood
