Joseph Jones (Virginia)

Joseph Jones (* 1727 in King George County, Virginia; † October 28, 1805 in Fredericksburg, Virginia ) was an American politician, who participated as a delegate from Virginia to the Continental Congress.

Joseph Jones was the uncle of James Monroe, the fifth President of the United States. He began to engage in political activities nor during the British colonial period and was a member of the House of Burgesses, the Parliament of Virginia. At the beginning of the American Revolution in 1775, he worked with the Safety Committee (Committee of Safety); the following year he served as a delegate to the Constitutional Convention of Virginia. In the State militia he rose to major general.

In the years 1776, 1777, 1780 and 1781 and from 1783 to 1785 Jones sat as an MP in the House of Representatives from Virginia. In addition, he was in 1777 sent to during this time mainly meeting in Philadelphia, and for a time in Baltimore Continental Congress. From 1780 to 1783 he participated in Philadelphia also attend its meetings. Jones also worked as a lawyer and was on 23 January 1778 as judge of the Virginia General Court appointed; In October 1779 he resigned from this post. A renewed appeal to this court was on 19 November 1789. A year earlier, he had the State Convention of Virginia belongs to ratify the Declaration of Independence of the United States. Jones died in October 1805 in Fredericksburg.
