Joseph Marello

Giuseppe Marello ( German: Joseph Marello; born December 26, 1844 in Turin, Italy, † May 30, 1895 in Savona, Italy ) was the Bishop of Acqui. He is a saint of the Catholic Church.

Joseph received the priesthood in 1868. After that, he served as secretary of Carlo Savio, the Bishop of Asti, works. Along with this, he took part in the First Vatican Council. In 1878 he founded the Congregation of the Oblates of St. Joseph, who care for the needy and the education of youth. Joseph was appointed in 1889 to the Bishop of Acqui.

He was beatified in 1993 and canonized in 2001 by Pope John Paul II.

The Roman church of San Giuseppe all'Aurelio is dedicated to him.
