Josip Ipavec

Josip Ipavec ( born December 21, 1873 in Šentjur pri Celju; ibid. † February 8, 1921 ) was a Yugoslav composer.

The son of Gustav Ipavec played in his childhood violin and began composing as a high school student. Like his father and his uncles Benjamin and Aloyz Ipavec, all of which were known as composer, he studied medicine. After working as an Austrian military physician in Vienna and Zagreb, he took over after the death of his father's practice.

Ipavec composed more than forty works, including the first Slovenian ballet Možiček ( " jumping man" ) as well as songs after poems by Heinrich Heine, Geibel and Nikolaus Lenau. Especially popular his song for male choir Imel this Ljubi dve was ( I loved two). Already in Zagreb, he began composing an operetta with a libretto by Mara Cop Berksova. However, it is not known whether he has completed it, and also about the whereabouts of the work is not known.
