Journal Club

As a Journal Club, a meeting of scientists is referred to in the academic field, will be presented at the recent scientific publications and critically discussed. Most of these discussions are taking place at the level of working groups and deal with the research topics that are processed in the respective group.


The term is composed from the English word "Journal" magazine as well as for " Club" as a reference for a regular meeting of a particular group of people. The English name has its origin to the fact that scientific literature is almost exclusively published in English. In the scientific environment only journals are considered to be those that go through the so-called peer review process by which article ( called "Paper ") until after basic quality assurance and assessment by peers ie so-called renowned scientists in the respective field of research are accepted.


The aim of this event is the one to inform themselves about the latest findings in their own field of work, and on the other hand, to train the critical examination of statistical data and the experiments conducted. In particular, in the training of scientific personnel - eg Graduate students - is considered this argument as an elementary ability. It may be the topic of discussion as to whether the conclusions comprehensible, data are given sufficient and whether the experiments thus are reproducible.
