Journal of Organizational Behavior

The Journal of Organizational Behavior ( J Org Behav ) is an American, peer reviewtes, scientific journal for the publication of research results, theoretical considerations, reviews, and reviewing scientific reports in the field of Organizational Behaviors. The magazine is published eight times a year.

The first edition was published in 1980 under the title Journal of Occupational Behavior. The name was changed in 1988 in the Journal of Organizational Behavior.

Influence and impact of the journal

The influence of the journal will be evaluated by the Consultancy " Red Jasper " on Rank 5 of 72 journals in the field of psychology. Scores are based on a " factor ". After the ISI Impact Factor, which is based on the number of cited articles from the two previous years in all articles published a year, the Journal with 2,351 (2010) is out.
