Jowzjan Province

36.7566Koordinaten: 36 ° 45 'N, 66 ° 0' O

Dschuzdschan ( other spellings: Jowsjan, Jowzjan, Jauzjan, Jawzjan, Jozjan, Cövzcan, Djôzdjân; Pashto / Dari: جوزجان ) is one of the 34 provinces of Afghanistan, located in the Nordes the country. The province was created in 1958 and led until April 1964 the name of the provincial capital Sheberghan / Schiberghan.

Dschuzdschan has an area of ​​11,798 km ². The 477,000 inhabitants are mainly Uzbeks and Turkmens, mainly because of the proximity to Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. There is also a considerable number of Hazaras and Tajiks and some even less Pashtuns.

Important cities in the province are in addition to Sheberghan ( 40,800 inhabitants) Sang -i character ( 15,800 ), Aqchah ( 18,100 ), Qarqin (7200 ).

From the province Dschuzdschan the famous physician Abu Ubaid al - Abd al- Wahid Dschuzdschani, the chronicler Minhadsch ad-Din Dschuzdschani and Abdul Rashid Dostum general and politician come.


Badakhshan | Badghis | Baglan | Balch | Bamiyan | Khost | Daikondi | Dschuzdschan | Farah | Faryab | Ghazni | Ghor | Helmand | Herat | Kabul | Kandahar | Kapisa | Kunar | Kunduz | Laghman | Lugar | Nangarhar | Nimrus | Nuristan | Paktia | Paktika | Panjshir | Parwan | Samangan | Sar -i Pul | Tachar | Uruzgan | Wardak | Zabul

  • Province in Afghanistan
  • Dschuzdschan