Juan Antonio Llorente

Juan Antonio Llorente ( born March 30, 1756 Rincón de Soto, La Rioja, † February 7, 1823, Madrid) was a Spanish scholar, politician and churchman. He addressed one of the first historians to the history of the Inquisition.


Juan Antonio Llorente was ordained a priest in 1779 and received a medical degree in the following year by Canon Law. He went in 1785 as executor of the Duchess of Sotomayor, the first maid of honor and Vice - maid of the queen, to the court of Madrid. Here he was soon appointed as the Commissioner of the Holy Office and the Associate Secretary of the yard - Inquisition. In 1790 he was appointed canon of Calahorra, but initially remained as a literary censor at court. The Inquisitor Manuel Abad y la Sierra in 1793 gave him the order to prepare a report on the procedure of the Holy Office. In this study, Llorente criticizing the work of the Inquisition and demanded its reform. When his client left office, Llorente had to abandon the project. He left his manuscript in 1797 Melchor Gaspar de Jovellanos, who used it as a source for his Representación al Rey sobre el Tribunal of the Inquisition. Llorente was a follower Urqijos and thus the Jansenists. When after Urquijo fall 1801, the Jansenists were persecuted, Llorente came also in trouble. The Grand Inquisitor Ramon de Arce charged him with treason of the Holy Office, he was sentenced to one month house arrest and the loss of his title as commissioner and secretary of the Hofinquisition.

During the resignations of Bayonne in 1808 he handed Napoleon a text, in which he proposed to secularize the clergy and dissolve the religious orders. This gave boost to his political career, he was a member of the National Assembly, which chose Napoleon's brother Joseph Bonaparte as José I, King and accepted the Constitution of Bayonne. Llorente was a leading figure among the friends and Bonapartist France, he was appointed to the State Council for Church Affairs. He defended the regalism of the new regime in two fonts. In July 1813, he was forced to flee to France, where he settled in 1814 in Paris. He tried unsuccessfully to reach that amnesties Ferdinand VII should also include his person. From 1817 to 1818 he published his major work, the four-volume Histoire critique de l' Inquisition espagnole, which was later translated into several languages. This work has been heavily criticized by supporters of the restoration, while praising liberal critics and the leading European historians exuberant.

When the Constitution of 1812 came into force after the Spanish Revolution of 1820, Llorente himself at the service of the new, liberal Spanish state. Therefore, and because the French authorities, its activities were noticed in the Secret Society of Charbonnerie, he was expelled from France. Llorente went to Madrid. This resulted in his intrigues on February 22, 1822 on the expulsion of the Papal Nuncio from Spain. On February 3, 1823, he reached the consent of the court to a revision of the situation of the clergy.


  • El recluta gallego, in 1782.
  • Preferencia de los embajadores de España a los de Francia en los generales en la corte Concilios de Roma y en otras asambleas diplomáticas, 1786.
  • Monumento romano, descubierto en día Calahorra 4 de marzo de 1788, Madrid, (1789 )
  • Discursos histórico - canónicos sobre el origen y naturaleza de los beneficios del Obispado patrimonial de Calahorra, 1790.
  • Disertación sobre el sitio en la antigua que estuvo Segóbriga, 1790.
  • Historia de la emigración de los CLÉRIGOS franceses a España 1793 perdida.
  • Discurso sobre la navegación del Ebro, 1797.
  • Discurso sobre calificadores del Holy Office, 1797.
  • Discursos sobre el orden de procesar en los tribunales de Inquisition, 1797.
  • Plan económico para extinguir anualmente vales real y los acreditar existent, 1799.
  • Noticias de las tres provincias históricas Vascongadas, 1805.
  • Reglamento para la Iglesia Española 1808.
  • Colección diplomática sobre las dispensas matrimoniales y otros puntos de disciplina eclesiástica (1809 )
  • Disertación sobre el poder que los reyes españoles ejercieron hasta el siglo Duodecimo en la división de obispados y otros puntos de disciplina conexos eclesiástica (1810 ).
  • Memoria sobre histórica cual ha sido la opinión nacional de España Acerca del tribunal of the Inquisition, 1812.
  • Eurico, tragedy.
  • Discurso sobre la opinión nacional de España Acerca de la guerra con Francia, Valencia, 1812.
  • Observaciones sobre las Dinastia de España, Valencia, 1812.
  • Crítica Carta sobre si el templo del Pilar de Zaragoza fue construído o fuera dentro de las murallas romanas de la ciudad, 1812.
  • Defensa y política Canonica de don Juan Antonio Llorente contra injustas acusaciones de fingidos Crímenes; trascendental en varios puntos al mayor número de españoles Refugiados en Francia, 1816.
  • Carta de don Juan Antonio Llorente a Claussel M. de Coussergues sobre la Inquisition of Spain, 1817.
  • Histoire critique de l' Inquisition espagnole (1817 y 1818).
  • Historian
  • Freemason (18th century)
  • Freemason (19th Century )
  • Freemasons (Spain )
  • Spaniard
  • Born in 1756
  • Died in 1823
  • Man