Jubilee Medal "60 Years of the Armed Forces of the USSR"

The medal "60 Years of the USSR Armed Forces " (Russian Юбилейная медаль " 60 лет Вооружённых Сил СССР ") was an award of the Soviet Union, which was founded on January 28, 1978 on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Soviet armed forces in one stage.

The gold medal in brass with a diameter of 32 mm shows on their obverse the symbolism of the Red Army with their regular forces in the form of an army members, a submarine, two airplanes and three rockets. To the right are the year to read 1918 to 1978. The reverse of the coin shows within the inscription: шестьдесят лет ( sixty years) Вооруженные силы СССР ( Armed Forces of the USSR ), a Soviet star with hammer and plow and two crossed symbols in the form of a rifle with bayonet and a sword. Were worn the medal on the left side of the chest Beliehenen to a pentagonal red clasp, in the middle of a gray vertical center stripe is woven. This, in turn, a central yellow stripe is embedded. The Interim clasp is of the same nature. It 10.72334 million medals were awarded.
